In ONE WEEK I'll begin a whole new adventure in South Africa as a Peace Corps Volunteer! For this reason I want to start this blog so I can stay connected to all the people I care about. It's a little daunting to think about posting my words into cyberspace cause I usually just write for myself, but I figured I needed to suck it up and get with the times.
I'm feeling pretty good about leaving these days. I graduated (WHOOP!). I've had the best summer I could ask for. Leaving now just fits, it's the natural next step. I feel as ready as I'm ever going to be (not that I'm ready by any means..) but so far all the stars have aligned, now I just have to do it. I feel ridiculously lucky to be going back to South Africa. I love this country with my whole heart. Its beauty is unique and breathtaking, and its people, from my limited experience, are extremely kind and open. Having already lived and taught there, I feel like I have a tiny incling into the next two years and hopefully I'll have a better chance at succeeding. My world is about to widen. Times like this are really cool cause I feel like I'm standing on the edge, where everything I know is about to change and nothing will ever be the same as soon as I jump.. I'm exxxcited!
I have no doubt this experience will blow my mind repeatedly-- I'll be sick, so sick, I'll be sad and lonely and I'll cry, I'll feel frusterated and useless, I'll feel unsafe and scared and many other things I can't forsee. But if I can come back alive and in one piece, mentally, physically, and emotionally stable, I will regard this experience as a complete success.
I want to become a part of a new family on a new continent. I want to be an African woman's daughter. I want to try everyday to make sense of the foreign words around me until they come out of my mouth effortlessly. I want to learn to trust the people I will meet as they learn to trust me. I want to teach some kids in a classroom something, anything- even though I know they'll teach me a hundred times more than I could ever teach them. I want to climb mountains and swim in oceans and see as many sunsets as I can. I want to make my own opinions about a continent that is vastly misunderstood. I want to make a new life for myself, with new friends (all the other PCVs I'm going with seem SO cool), and in the process expand my comfort level to new and such great heights. I know I'll be pushed to my limit but in my experience that's the perfect time to find out what I'm really made of and just how strong I can be.
This next week is about sad and sweet goodbyes and packing everything I'm going to need for the next two years into two suitcases and a backpack.. harder than it sounds.
I'm going to miss this carefree and beautiful Gainesville life with the best friends and family around. You are all wonderful and I am so lucky to know you. You all better come visit, OR ELSE.
next time you hear from me, I'll be in Afreeeka.
PEACE out :)